Today we (mommy, daddy and I) went to my friend Aren's house to hang out with our other friends Sienna and Cadin, and to meet Aren's new brother Armen. This was my first time meeting a baby that much younger than me so I just stared and was so interested. He was in a swing exactly like I had as a baby so I was that much more interested. I also have a baby of my own that I sleep with so when mommy kept calling Armen a baby I was kind of confused, wanting to pick up Armen and snuggle. He was a bit to o big though for me to pick up.
Anyway, I TOOK MY FIRST STEP all by myself today! With all my friends playing around me, daddy stood me up and I took my first step all by myself right over to mommy. Daddy was so thrilled and excited! All my friends and their mommy's and daddy's were there to witness it so it was a very special day.
When we came home mommy and daddy were playing with me, of course having me walk some more for whatever food I wanted. They took off my tights and oh what traction I had! I stood up so much better and took even more steps with my tights off! I even surprised mommy and daddy and stood up all on my own from a sitting position. I was standing then I dropped to put my hands on the floor. I wanted to get back up so I could get more cheers by mommy and daddy so I pushed myself right back up, all by myself!
So, I am officially standing from a sitting position and walking up to 2 steps all on my own. Yay!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day!! This year Valentine's Day was actually on a Saturday so mommy and daddy were able to enjoy a nice dinner at home without having to rush. We hung out, played around, and prepared for dinner all morning and day and once I went to bed mommy and daddy had a fondue dinner and desert. Man, babies miss out on all the good food! Before i went to bed though mommy took some fun pictures of me in my pretty pink dress. A few days after V-day I got a card from my Grandpa'Al that had a princess crown and bracelet for me. The last few pictures are of me wearing the crown and bracelet ALL DAY LONG! This is the only "hat" that I actually keep on my head. I love it Grandpa! Thank you, I love you.
From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
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From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
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From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
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From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
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From 2009_02_14. Valentines Princess |
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
For the past few days I haven't been myself, kind of fussy and sleeping more than normal. Yesterday I had to skip music class because I went to sleep in the morning again at 8:40. Today I woke up with what mommy thought was snot across my face and all over my crib. Mommy decided not to send me to daycare today because she had a feeling that I was getting worse and they may call her to come pick me up. Grammy thought I may have a fever so mommy gave me some Tylenol and headed off to work with me. I slept on the way to work and when we got there I was in good spirits but went downhill after a few hours. I constantly wanted attention and wanted more food. I cried during almost an entire meeting that mommy had with an employee, making it very difficult for mommy to get things done. Finally, mommy decided to take me home and call the doctor. I started having green goo come out my eye so mommy thought I may have pink eye.
An hour and a half later we went to the doctor (and mommy even saved the green goo that had built up in my eye during my nap on the way home so that she could show the Dr.) and sure enough I had an ear infection in BOTH ears and pink eye in BOTH eyes. For all of these infections mommy says that I was suprisingly good spirited.
After some short time on antibiotics I should be all better and back to my normal self. I'm off to sleep again and fight this infection off.
An hour and a half later we went to the doctor (and mommy even saved the green goo that had built up in my eye during my nap on the way home so that she could show the Dr.) and sure enough I had an ear infection in BOTH ears and pink eye in BOTH eyes. For all of these infections mommy says that I was suprisingly good spirited.
After some short time on antibiotics I should be all better and back to my normal self. I'm off to sleep again and fight this infection off.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Daddy's first criterion bike race
Yesterday Grammy and Grandpa Al (Papa) came to visit me for a few days. They arrived on Saturday and we had a nice crock pot dinner that mommy had cooking all day. Yummy! Today we went to daddy's first criterion bike race in Dominguez Hills. Daddy did so good; we were so proud of him! When we arrived at the race (we went after daddy), he was hanging out by the car, getting all his gear on. It was very cloudy and almost sprinkling so it wasn't the best weather day for daddy's first race. Many other racers were on their trainers, preparing for the race but daddy didn't know about that so he just rode around getting all warmed up. I guess it was enough for daddy because he did really well! One of the guys on his trainers that was parked next to daddy actually got lapped in the race so having a trainer doesn't correlate to being good. Hehe. Papa got lots of cool pictures and I enjoyed clapping for the group of guys as they all rode past. I even liked feeling the sprinkles fall on my face at the end of the race. That was fun!
Congratulations Daddy on your first Crit!
Congratulations Daddy on your first Crit!
From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit |
From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit |
From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit |
From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit |
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fun day today (first steps too!)
Today was such a fun day and mommy says that I was such a good, happy girl all day long.
Mommy woke me up early as part of her plan to control my naps the rest of the day. I lounged in bed with her for about 40 minutes, nursing and relaxing. We then played, ate breakfast and got ready for music class. At 9:15 we had music class util about 10:10. At music I LOVED when the scarves, egg shakers, and instruments were brought out. I screamed "ohhhhhh" (like "wowwwwwww!")loudly as the teacher brought them out and everyone just smiled and laughed. At the end of music I was fussy because it was nap time. we drove to Aunt Lisa and Cadin's house where mommy gave me some crackers and milk before putting me to sleep. I cried for a bit but was asleep within 10 miutes (mommy's plan this morning paid off!). Mommy let me sleep for about an hour and a half and then she woke me up so me and Cadin could go to mommy-and-me. I was so refreshed from my nap that I just played and played the whole time, not needing mommy to hold me hardly at all. Mommy really liked this.
The COOLEST this about today was when my friend at mommy-and-me was showing off her new walking skills and her mommy was video taping it. I wanted part of the action so I stood up with mommy right behind me and everyone cheered. I then started to take these itty-bitty steps (very wobbly) towards my friend who was being video taped! Everyone started clapping and cheering, and it's all on video!!! I'm becoming less afraid and getting more courageous to play with my balance and take those steps. I'll be walking in no time!
After mommy-and-me Cadin and I were still wide awake so our mommies took us to the Farmer's Market in Manhattan Beach. Cadin is such a big boy now that he walked all by himself but I still enjoyed being in my stroller. After strolling through the Market we went over to the courtyard where there is a really cool water area. Other kids of all ages meet there to play and splash in teh water. Our mommies took our shoes and pants off and let us have at it! It was soooo much fun! I was hesitant at first but once I realized it was water I could play in I was splashing and screaming like there was no one around. Cadin was walking all over the top water surface but I stayed on the side where the water dripped down where I could stand up and splash in the dripping water. How much fun we had!
On the way home mommy and I stopped by Trader Joes to get me my week's worth of food. I was such a good girl and by the time we got home I was ready for a nap. Haha! That was not in our plan though. When we got home we had scalding water flowing out of the pipe next to the water heater outside. We turned off the heat (mommy's first instinct) and then called daddy. He had us go to a park nearby for safety until he got home and checked things out. Mommy and I had so much fun at the park, even without a nap! I had a snack and loved playing on the swings. When we were given the okay to come home we packed up and headed home for a nap.
What a long, busy day but oh what fun it was! I can't wait until next Tuesday!
Mommy woke me up early as part of her plan to control my naps the rest of the day. I lounged in bed with her for about 40 minutes, nursing and relaxing. We then played, ate breakfast and got ready for music class. At 9:15 we had music class util about 10:10. At music I LOVED when the scarves, egg shakers, and instruments were brought out. I screamed "ohhhhhh" (like "wowwwwwww!")loudly as the teacher brought them out and everyone just smiled and laughed. At the end of music I was fussy because it was nap time. we drove to Aunt Lisa and Cadin's house where mommy gave me some crackers and milk before putting me to sleep. I cried for a bit but was asleep within 10 miutes (mommy's plan this morning paid off!). Mommy let me sleep for about an hour and a half and then she woke me up so me and Cadin could go to mommy-and-me. I was so refreshed from my nap that I just played and played the whole time, not needing mommy to hold me hardly at all. Mommy really liked this.
The COOLEST this about today was when my friend at mommy-and-me was showing off her new walking skills and her mommy was video taping it. I wanted part of the action so I stood up with mommy right behind me and everyone cheered. I then started to take these itty-bitty steps (very wobbly) towards my friend who was being video taped! Everyone started clapping and cheering, and it's all on video!!! I'm becoming less afraid and getting more courageous to play with my balance and take those steps. I'll be walking in no time!
After mommy-and-me Cadin and I were still wide awake so our mommies took us to the Farmer's Market in Manhattan Beach. Cadin is such a big boy now that he walked all by himself but I still enjoyed being in my stroller. After strolling through the Market we went over to the courtyard where there is a really cool water area. Other kids of all ages meet there to play and splash in teh water. Our mommies took our shoes and pants off and let us have at it! It was soooo much fun! I was hesitant at first but once I realized it was water I could play in I was splashing and screaming like there was no one around. Cadin was walking all over the top water surface but I stayed on the side where the water dripped down where I could stand up and splash in the dripping water. How much fun we had!
On the way home mommy and I stopped by Trader Joes to get me my week's worth of food. I was such a good girl and by the time we got home I was ready for a nap. Haha! That was not in our plan though. When we got home we had scalding water flowing out of the pipe next to the water heater outside. We turned off the heat (mommy's first instinct) and then called daddy. He had us go to a park nearby for safety until he got home and checked things out. Mommy and I had so much fun at the park, even without a nap! I had a snack and loved playing on the swings. When we were given the okay to come home we packed up and headed home for a nap.
What a long, busy day but oh what fun it was! I can't wait until next Tuesday!
Added word to her vocabulary (in one day!)
[Written by mommy]
Just today, after writing the blog yesterday, Taylor said "bye-bye" so clearly for the first time! We were at mommy-and-me and a friend's mom came up and said "Bye Taylor" and Taylor waved like normal and then said "bye-bye!" Oh my goodness! Taylor is learning things at such a rapid rate now-a-days we are just so amazed. Keep it up Tay-Tay!
Just today, after writing the blog yesterday, Taylor said "bye-bye" so clearly for the first time! We were at mommy-and-me and a friend's mom came up and said "Bye Taylor" and Taylor waved like normal and then said "bye-bye!" Oh my goodness! Taylor is learning things at such a rapid rate now-a-days we are just so amazed. Keep it up Tay-Tay!
Monday, February 2, 2009
My vocabulary now-a-days
I have such an expanded vocabulary now-a-days that mommy and daddy are having so much fun interpreting what I'm saying. Below are things that I say and my approximations for them:
Outside (ahsigh)
Mama (mama)
More (mama)
Daddy (daddy or dada)
Hi (hi)
No (she just shakes her head back and forth)
What a cow says (mmmmm)
What a cat says (mmmmm)
Shoes (shhh)
Socks (ssss)
Tiger (tie)
Her name (tay-tay)
Sissy (ssss or sissy)
Outside (ahsigh)
Mama (mama)
More (mama)
Daddy (daddy or dada)
Hi (hi)
No (she just shakes her head back and forth)
What a cow says (mmmmm)
What a cat says (mmmmm)
Shoes (shhh)
Socks (ssss)
Tiger (tie)
Her name (tay-tay)
Sissy (ssss or sissy)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Superbowl Sunday!!!
Today was the Superbowl and Granny M and Grandpa Bill came to visit and eat lots of yummy food with us. My favorite part (and I think everyone else's) was when we video chatted with Tia and Brian. I was sitting on the kitchen floor with the 7 layer bean dip in front of me, digging in like it was no body's business, with Tia and Bryan on video chat on Granny M's computer behind the bean dip looking right at me. Mommy, daddy, Grandpa and Granny M. were all sitting in a circle around me and the bean dip and the computer just laughing, eating the bean dip with me, and talking with Tia and Bryan. We had so much fun! The bean dip was such a hit, especially as I used chips as forks to eat bite after bite of the bean dip, even with the smallest of chips in between my fingers. Hehe. Later on mommy, daddy, and the G-parents ate more yummy food including a spinach dip, pizza dip, jalpeno popper dip, a cheese and sun dried tomatoes appetizer, and chips and salsa. Oh! You can't forget the amazing meatballs that daddy made! There was so much food we didn't even get to the chili that was cooking all day or the taquitos that sat in the freezer just waiting to be eaten. We're okay with that because I get to eat all of it for the days and weeks to come! Yay! Thanks for driving up to spend the day with us Granny M and Grandpa Bill. I had so much fun playing with you and showing off my new standing skills. I love you both!
From 2009_02_01. Superbowl |
From 2009_02_01. Superbowl |
From 2009_02_01. Superbowl |
Bike ride with mommy and daddy
Today I went for my first REAL bike ride with mommy and daddy. Mommy was so nervous to ride the bike with me in the seat but after about 15 minutes of slow riding she was very comfortable on the bike with me. Mommy says it is just kind of awkward because every turn or lean you do the more weight there is going into the turn or lean so you can fall really easily. Luckily, we never fell! We had a few embarrassing starts at stop lights with daddy pushing mommy's back to get us started but it made for some fun stories. We rode the bike alongside daddy the entire time who was doing his run for the day. We were out for about an hour and 15 minutes! I napped for part of it and the other part I pointed and talked at the trees, kicked mom's back side...literally, and rested my head in my helmet on my bike seat bar. We had a lot of fun and I hope to do it again another weekend coming up with daddy running beside us, maybe on the boardwalk on the beach!
P.S. Sorry, no pictures. Mommy really wanted one of us together with our helmets but we forgot and were busy getting ready for Superbowl when we got home. )o:
P.S. Sorry, no pictures. Mommy really wanted one of us together with our helmets but we forgot and were busy getting ready for Superbowl when we got home. )o:
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