This weekend Granny and Papa Bill came to stay the weekend with us. On par with other times when grandparents come to visit, Taylor got a fever and was sick most of the day on Friday. Papa Bill helped daddy put up flourescent lights in the garage on Friday while I stayed home with Granny M. and mommy worked for a bit. Granny went shopping while I napped and then daddy made us really yummy dinners. We all watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" on TV that night although we got so tired that we went to bed and couldn't watch the rest of it. On Saturday I had fun going to the park by our house with Granny and mommy, going shopping, and then watching the fireworks on the roof of our house! My favorite phrase was "firewort boom!" (and yes, the firework is spelled with a "t" because I can't say my k,c, or g sounds yet). Mommy was very nervous about bringing me up on the roof but daddy, mommy and Papa Bill took turns holding me and I loved seeing all the lights going off in the air. Even our neighbors, Damon and Jena, came over to enjoy the fireworks from our roof! After the fireworks were over and I went to bed, the adults enjoyed fireworks for a little while longer and then they sat by the chiminea in the driveway for a while. Daddy was so tired from working in the garage for two days straight, making us dinners every night, and then staying up for the fireworks that he fell right asleep on the concrete by the fire!
What a fun 4th of July with my Granny M. and Papa Bill. Thanks for coming!