Daddy is in Florida for a work trip so I emailed him with our events from this evening. This is what I wrote.
Taylor fell down the stairs tonight, from the very top to the very bottom. I walked up right in front of her and I got up before her so I went in our room and I hear this "ka-boom, ka-boom, ka-boom" and after about three of those I realized what was happening so I ran out swearing my head off and heard her crying by the time I got to the top of the stairs. She was at the bottom with the basket from the stairs all crashed on the floor too. I expected full on screaming but no, just some scared crying. She was totally fine! She just said her head hurt from hitting the basket but once I started quizzing her (her name, how many fingers I was holding up) I think she thought I was crazy mommy and she stopped crying. She wouldn't answer me so I got serious and told her I was scared and she needed to answer me. When she told me her name she hugged me and was all fine. She started laughing about 2 minutes later saying, "that was crazy mommy!" I couldn't believe it! I was almost in tears imagining her tumbling down the stairs (still am freaked out by that) and she's laughing. Holy moly! Our fragile girl has turned into a champ!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Today Taylor woke up with a runny nose for probably the 6th day now and also a barking cough! Oh no! Keeping her home and going to the doc. She is now having the time of her life though at home knowing that she doesn't have to go to school. Obviously not feeling sick but I don't want it to turn into anything worse. I can't afford, for school or work, for this to get worse!
Good thoughts for this to go away!
UPDATE: not contagious. Small case of croup. Just need to get the humidifier going again. She had a fun day at home, playing with her baby doll in her baby pool out back while mommy worked. Long nap (and mommy even snuck in a partial nap for a while) so I could get stuff done!
Good thoughts for this to go away!
UPDATE: not contagious. Small case of croup. Just need to get the humidifier going again. She had a fun day at home, playing with her baby doll in her baby pool out back while mommy worked. Long nap (and mommy even snuck in a partial nap for a while) so I could get stuff done!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Fun day at Maier's House
Today we went to a family party at a friend's house from school to celebrate one year being done with our Ph.D. program. We had so much fun! Taylor met a new boyfriend and for probably the only time in my life I was proud to watch her leave holding hands with him without needing me with her. It was so cute! After playing in the jump house he took her by the hand to his bedroom and they played for a good 20 minutes by themselves. She actually did not whine for me to be with her which I was so happy about!! As she walked back outside she was so excited and said, "Mommy! I played with his stuff!" Oh, so innocent. Later in the day he took her on a ride in his little kid Escalade...of course Taylor had her juice box in hand. It was so cute! Per his daddy's advice, he even opened the door to let Taylor in and out of the car. They were adorable! To end the night, Taylor wanted to take a nap so she chose his bed instead of the pack-and-play. We stopped the date between the two kids here and let Taylor sleep in his bed while he played a while longer (no sleeping together...even though I think he may have got a little kiss in while they were in the hammock together!).
Besides witnessing our daughter's first date we also had so much fun with all of the adults! Leaving at about 11:00 PM we had a ton of fun and probably overstayed our welcome. Thank you Eric and Arwin for such a fun party! See you guys soon for UFC!
Locklin and Taylor

Taylor and Locklin cuddling in the hammock

The kids of TCS 2009 cohort

Locklin taking Taylor on a car ride

Besides witnessing our daughter's first date we also had so much fun with all of the adults! Leaving at about 11:00 PM we had a ton of fun and probably overstayed our welcome. Thank you Eric and Arwin for such a fun party! See you guys soon for UFC!
Locklin and Taylor
Taylor and Locklin cuddling in the hammock
The kids of TCS 2009 cohort
Locklin taking Taylor on a car ride
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday with mommy
Woke up at 9 am this morning to Taylor coming into our room to lay with me. We lounged around for a while and watched Toy Story before heading out shopping. Taylor got her normal Berry Smoothie at Costco and was such a good girl the whole time. Asked the man at the door for a happy face on the receipt and told him "thank you." Love my girl! Enjoyed the "bumpety-bumpetys" in the cart going into the parking lot and then headed home for nap and lunch (sorry daddy...had to skip picking up your car part b/c Tay had to pee!). We enjoyed some cold cereal with our new milk, yogurt, and bread for lunch (all Taylor's choosing!) and now Taylor is napping in mommy and daddy's bed (her treat on Tuesdays and weekends if she wants). She asked specifically for the door to be closed so Tiger wouldn't come in...sorry Tiger!
Fun day with my girl.
Fun day with my girl.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Bye-Bye Maui- day 8
Today we enjoyed the beach in the morning, had some breakfast, then packed up and headed out.
Big girl on the airplane again

First class again- such a lady wiping the juice from her mouth

Making herself a bib- look at next three pics

That airplane is flying way too close!!

Can I sleep like that?!

Taylor's focus on the airplane

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Today we enjoyed the beach in the morning, had some breakfast, then packed up and headed out.
Big girl on the airplane again

First class again- such a lady wiping the juice from her mouth

Making herself a bib- look at next three pics

That airplane is flying way too close!!

Can I sleep like that?!

Taylor's focus on the airplane

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day in Kihei- day 7
After a late night at the Evans' house last night we all slept in. After mommy took a morning walk on the beach we had breakfast then played in Kihei for the day while daddy had his last kiting day over in Kaanapali.
Going through mommy's wallet

Playing in the pool with daddy

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Taylor's idea of "surfing"

Relaxing on our last day

Our last night- check out the sliver of a moon

After a late night at the Evans' house last night we all slept in. After mommy took a morning walk on the beach we had breakfast then played in Kihei for the day while daddy had his last kiting day over in Kaanapali.
Going through mommy's wallet

Playing in the pool with daddy

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Taylor's idea of "surfing"

Relaxing on our last day

Our last night- check out the sliver of a moon

Documentation of Taylor's new behaviors
As I have lots of time on vacation in Maui to sit, watch, and admire Taylor's growth, I realize that I do not document all of the wonderful behaviors that Taylor amazes us with everyday. Even if it does not come with a picture I am going to try hard to document as much as I can so we can look back at these posts and remember our little girl and all the fun things she did. To start, here is a list of things that make us smile...
1. She's getting our attention with, "Hey guys?!"
2. "Member that mommy?" is a commonly used phrase when Taylor is talking about something that we did in the past.
3. When she is with friends she takes the lead and often tells me "WE want to color mommy, WE want to go outside mommy, etc." even if the other child has no interest in doing what she wants. It is her way of trying to get them to follow her.
4. When she wants confirmation of something she says, she adds "right?" onto the end of it ("that was funny, right?").
5. "That's crazy!" and "We're so silly" are fun phrases she often uses.
6. She is a very good rule follower, especially if I give her the contingencies (e.g., "If you throw that once more I will take it away"...I can be sure that 90% of the time she won't throw it again).
7. Her favorite friend at school is Rachey
8. She is still an amazing eater!
9. She is putting her face under water and enjoying the windshield wipers drying her eyes afterward (thanks to Nicole!)...especially here in the pool in Maui with daddy!
10. She has a few favorite movies: Tinker Bell ("Born" and "New" as she calls them), Princess and the Frog, Nemo, Toy Story
11. At nap and bedtime she talks and sings herself to sleep, sometimes for an entire hour!
12. She is getting to be a lover of music and singing a lot. She knows all the words to You Are My Sunshine which is soooo cute!
13. She fills in words to songs and phrases on her videos that are playing, kind of like she is talking/singing along with it but doesn't know all of the words. Very cute!
14. She sleeps at naps and at night time in her undies, no more pull-ups! And she loves to go potty on the normal toilet seat, not on her kid seat that goes on top of the normal toilet seat.
More to come as we remember!!!
1. She's getting our attention with, "Hey guys?!"
2. "Member that mommy?" is a commonly used phrase when Taylor is talking about something that we did in the past.
3. When she is with friends she takes the lead and often tells me "WE want to color mommy, WE want to go outside mommy, etc." even if the other child has no interest in doing what she wants. It is her way of trying to get them to follow her.
4. When she wants confirmation of something she says, she adds "right?" onto the end of it ("that was funny, right?").
5. "That's crazy!" and "We're so silly" are fun phrases she often uses.
6. She is a very good rule follower, especially if I give her the contingencies (e.g., "If you throw that once more I will take it away"...I can be sure that 90% of the time she won't throw it again).
7. Her favorite friend at school is Rachey
8. She is still an amazing eater!
9. She is putting her face under water and enjoying the windshield wipers drying her eyes afterward (thanks to Nicole!)...especially here in the pool in Maui with daddy!
10. She has a few favorite movies: Tinker Bell ("Born" and "New" as she calls them), Princess and the Frog, Nemo, Toy Story
11. At nap and bedtime she talks and sings herself to sleep, sometimes for an entire hour!
12. She is getting to be a lover of music and singing a lot. She knows all the words to You Are My Sunshine which is soooo cute!
13. She fills in words to songs and phrases on her videos that are playing, kind of like she is talking/singing along with it but doesn't know all of the words. Very cute!
14. She sleeps at naps and at night time in her undies, no more pull-ups! And she loves to go potty on the normal toilet seat, not on her kid seat that goes on top of the normal toilet seat.
More to come as we remember!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Kaanapali and the Evan's house- day 6
Today we did our morning exercise routines, had some breakfast, and then headed out to Kaanapali for some snorkeling and good lunch by the beach. We rented some snorkel gear, put Taylor in her life vest and her floaty, and towed here around out at Black Rock in Kaanapali while BJ and I snorkeled. It was so fun! Although, next time we want to get her some goggles so she can look for fish over her floaty too. After Kaanapali we headed back for a nap at home then got ready to go to Marley's house for a playdate, dinner, and a night full of games with Chris and Sarah. This had to be our most fun night of the trip, making so many memories with our good friends and just enjoying games and wine while the girls slept. So fun!
On our way to Kaanapali

At Black Rock

At lunch lemonade

Taylor loved these fishies and said "cheeeese" before I even had my camera out!
Today we did our morning exercise routines, had some breakfast, and then headed out to Kaanapali for some snorkeling and good lunch by the beach. We rented some snorkel gear, put Taylor in her life vest and her floaty, and towed here around out at Black Rock in Kaanapali while BJ and I snorkeled. It was so fun! Although, next time we want to get her some goggles so she can look for fish over her floaty too. After Kaanapali we headed back for a nap at home then got ready to go to Marley's house for a playdate, dinner, and a night full of games with Chris and Sarah. This had to be our most fun night of the trip, making so many memories with our good friends and just enjoying games and wine while the girls slept. So fun!
On our way to Kaanapali

At Black Rock

At lunch lemonade

Taylor loved these fishies and said "cheeeese" before I even had my camera out!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Day in Lahaina- day 5
Today we had a relaxing morning, Taylor went down for her nap early again, and daddy went Kite surfing again during T's nap. When she woke up she and I went walking around local Kihei. We got her little souveniers that she picked out herself (a hat, a key chain with her name on it, and some shoes), got some ice cream at a yummy place right by our condo, and then walked over to the park where Taylor ran around and danced to a guy playing his guitar. It was so windy that the stroller was being pusshed across the grass by itself!!! After daddy got back we headed over to Lahaina for a walk through the town, some dinner at Old Lahaina Pizzeria, and some fun play in the big Banian Tree.
Mommy and Taylor doing our morning beach play

Ice Cream!!

So windy in the park

Back in the stroller to get back to the condo

Our condo

On our way to Lahaina

Taylor insisted on holding this man's hand!

So cute!

Typical of our girl, she was cranky before dinner and once food got into her she turned into an energized bunny!

She insisted on using a fork...what a lady


The Banyan Tree!

Video of Taylor in the tree

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Daddy and Tay

Our beautiful lady

Taylor gets her good looks from her daddy

Today we had a relaxing morning, Taylor went down for her nap early again, and daddy went Kite surfing again during T's nap. When she woke up she and I went walking around local Kihei. We got her little souveniers that she picked out herself (a hat, a key chain with her name on it, and some shoes), got some ice cream at a yummy place right by our condo, and then walked over to the park where Taylor ran around and danced to a guy playing his guitar. It was so windy that the stroller was being pusshed across the grass by itself!!! After daddy got back we headed over to Lahaina for a walk through the town, some dinner at Old Lahaina Pizzeria, and some fun play in the big Banian Tree.
Mommy and Taylor doing our morning beach play

Ice Cream!!

So windy in the park

Back in the stroller to get back to the condo

Our condo

On our way to Lahaina

Taylor insisted on holding this man's hand!

So cute!

Typical of our girl, she was cranky before dinner and once food got into her she turned into an energized bunny!

She insisted on using a fork...what a lady


The Banyan Tree!

Video of Taylor in the tree

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Daddy and Tay

Our beautiful lady

Taylor gets her good looks from her daddy


Sunday, August 8, 2010
Playdate with Marley in Maui- day 4
Today Taylor went for a nap at 10:00 am (1:00 CA time) so daddy went kite surfing and Taylor and I stayed in. That evening we had a playdate with Marley at our condo so Sarah could go to dinner with her friend in Wailea. It was so fun! We made some pizzole, ate some tofu, and the girls liked reading their books, coloring, and jumping on the bed singing 5 Little Monkeys. So cute!!
Mommy and Taylor's morning walk on the beach

Watching the water with daddy and bunny blankey

Blankey watching the ocean


Games during T's nap

Taylor's way of playing Skipbo

Marley and Taylor coloring

Sharing Marley's dolls

Doing "cheers!"

Video of two little monkeys jumpin' on the bed

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Today Taylor went for a nap at 10:00 am (1:00 CA time) so daddy went kite surfing and Taylor and I stayed in. That evening we had a playdate with Marley at our condo so Sarah could go to dinner with her friend in Wailea. It was so fun! We made some pizzole, ate some tofu, and the girls liked reading their books, coloring, and jumping on the bed singing 5 Little Monkeys. So cute!!
Mommy and Taylor's morning walk on the beach

Watching the water with daddy and bunny blankey

Blankey watching the ocean


Games during T's nap

Taylor's way of playing Skipbo

Marley and Taylor coloring

Sharing Marley's dolls

Doing "cheers!"

Video of two little monkeys jumpin' on the bed

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