Today was such a beautiful day so Taylor and I headed to the beach. I tried to actually get some work done in the morning but our server was down so with some encouraging from friends on facebook, I got outta dodge and headed to the beach. We packed up the wagon, the umbrella, some snacks, some toys, and some towels and had such a fun time! At one point Taylor had to pee so I took her out to the ocean and we got crashed hard by some waves! We ventured in after a no-pee adventure and she then just decided to pee while sitting on the sand and letting the water rush up on her. After not getting it all out, she just stood up and peed away. Oh the joys of being a kid!
Searching for shells to bring home to daddy
Sun bathing like mommy (actually, she called it "napping", which didn't last that long)
Taking a break to finish the rest of our food while looking out over the beach
Me and my girl
The many faces of Taylor
I can't get enough of her!