Saturday, June 23, 2012

Legoland, San Diego

This year we got season passes to Legoland so whatever chance we get we've been heading down to play at the waterpark, even if it's just for the day on this fine Sunday.  Taylor loves it there!  She loves the shallow kid pool as she can run around in it, go down the waterslides all by herself, and just have freedom while practicing her new swim moves she's learned from her swim lessons.  Today we also played in the actual park for a bit, looking at all the Lego structures and driving on the race track, which Taylor did so well at!

Waiting for lunch to start the day

First thing...waterslide!

Popsicle to cool off

Wading by herself

Waterslide by herself

Making friends

She loves these lego people!

Our driver

Pulling her and daddy up the ride!

Oh yah, look at all the Star Wars characters!

Wicket Warrick!!!

Our girl loves maps wherever she goes!

Building a race car with daddy...she could play in here for hours!

Last ride of the day

Friday, June 22, 2012

I Won't Grow Up!

Taylor and her friends from her school performed their dance to "I Won't Grow Up" today.  It's amazing to look back at the last three years of doing these performances and see how they've grown matured.  I am so proud of my girl, from crying on stage the first year to having so much fun and being so proud of herself up there on that big stage in front of a huge audience.  So proud!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

KOA camping with BB friends

This weekend we went camping with some friends from Taylor's school...our first time at a KOA!  Regardless of where we were, we were with friends and had so much fun!  Looking back (as I'm posting this almost 6 months later), I was just a few weeks pregnant, tired, and pretty nauseous.  Even with all that, I had so much fun spending time outside of Taylor's school with friends that we really only see during drop off and pick up!  Thanks for the idea friends!

It was HOT so Taylor and Alexandra got into their suits right away!

Our site for the weekend

Playing in the creek

All the girls


Around the fire as the sun went down

Silly girls

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pasadena Triathlon

Today daddy had his annual Pasadena Triathlon at the Rose Bowl so we followed, and of course played at the Pirate Ship park which Taylor loves to do every year, and daddy even managed to go to KidSpace after the race!  This year was very special too as daddy got 1st place in his age group!!!  We are so proud of our triathlon daddy and husband!!

Take a look at 30-34 Males...William Wickett is 1st!!


Looking at bugs

Painting on the paint wall

Bug fighting with daddy

Climbing in the really tall kaleidescope climber

So cute!!

No swimsuit today...oh well!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beach with Alexandra

Today Taylor and her friend Alexandra headed to the beach with the daddies while the daddies played some beach volleyball.  I took my time getting ready, took a walk, then met them down at the beach for some relaxation.  Look at these cutie-pa-tooties!  Taylor is becoming such an ocean lover!