Tuesday, August 4, 2009


While I was away at Camp DuCharme Nanni and Papa taught me what "shopping" is. Whenever Nanni went out Papa said that Nanni was shopping. So, I learned that whenever people leave the house they go shopping. :)

When mommy came home from work today she and Nanni wanted to go grocery shopping and get some shoes for me. Janie and Jack (a very cute clothing store) was having a big sale so we HAD to go check it out. I was very excited to go "shopping" with Nanni and mommy. I just kept saying "shopping...Tay-Tay, mommy, Nanni." Through the mall and through the stores I just kept yelling "shopping!" and all the ladies looked and smiled.

I love shopping!

*Below is one of my cute outfits I got while out shopping.

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