This morning Taylor slept in just enough to let us take showers. We woke her up early so that we could take our time with presents but finish early enough to get down to Nanny M and Papa Bill's house to enough Christmas with them as well. This was Taylor's first year that she truly understood Christmas, that she had to wait to open her presents until that morning, and that Santa would be bringing her more presents when she was sleeping. It was a truly magical year for BJ and I to see our daughter so amazed and so excited about the entire Christmas process that we are creating for her as our family tradition. Christmas has changed for us, from looking forward to opening gifts with our parents to spending time with family and seeing the joy and excitement in our daugher's eyes.
Taylor first seeing what Santa had brought!
Her first go at the presents
Her first stocking stuff present to open of 2009
Nerd's Chapstick (she LOVES chapstick!)
And there she goes...
Wow, jewelry!
Santa brought books...just as she asked!
A special present from daddy for their weekends of football watching when mommy is at school
Two of her favorite things...Tinker Bell and books!
Santa brought mommy and daddy matching tray tables
Ooooh, a tool bench to work on with daddy in the garage
A sleeping bag of her very own for camping (from Nanni and Papa'Al)!
A baby which she has named Baby Julia (after Cadin's sister)
Helping Papa'Al build all her baby's furniture
So cute...she immediately put the blanket over the baby in bed, just like what she sees with the babies in their car seats at mommy-and-me.
Daddy's surprise gift from mommy...what is it?!
No way! His wedding ring that he lost years before and mommy found the week before Christmas behind the shoe rack.
The "after-Christmas" mess
Taylor all ready to go with her new vest from Riley (for her birthday), her Christmas comfy outfit, her warm beanie and scarf from Santa, her purse from mommy and daddy, and of course, LOTS of chapstick on.
Notice the chapstick
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