Taylor received a small pink blankie at my baby shower (so "we" received it) and I don't even remember who bought it for her. It became her favorite blankie and it actually helped us transition her away from the pacifier when she was younger. During a trip to Nanni and Papa DuCharme's house, it was somehow lost. Nanni bought TWO new blankies for Taylor, both with bunnies on them, and brought them home to us, hoping we would not be too upset. We weren't as long as Taylor was okay with her new blankies. She was just fine and is now attached to one of the blankies that Nanni bought her, the brown bunny one.
Well, quite some time later, BOTH BJ and I (if he admits it to you or not, he has to me!) miss that blankie! I have no idea if Taylor would even remember it but for some reason, whenever I think of it or see pictures of it, it truly brings back good memories and I get sad that it is gone. Yes, I am now sounding like a crazy mom! I went online looking for another one but for some reason they are not made in that color anymore and sold in the big department stores. The other night though I actually found one sold in a cute boutique in Georgia. It was THREE times as much as the same one sold in a different color at the big department store but I FOUND IT AND BOUGHT IT! I even paid shipping fees for this darn blankie.
It came to my work today and it was like I was reunited with the long lost blankie. I have taken pictures of it and will take more tonight when we reunite Taylor with her long lost blankie. Who knows what she will feel or what she will do when she sees it, only time will tell! Maybe I will be sleeping with a new pink blankie.
More to come...
The blankie in a cute package
Here it is!
Playing with her new blankie
She's attached...at least for now.
By the way, it actually is not the same as the original. :( It is a slightly brighter pink and it only has square and round tabs, no triangular tabs. It also has a flowery design on some of the tabs which the old blankie did not have. Oh well, as long as she likes it. I fulfilled my need to get the blankie back.
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