Well, Taylor and Daddy went to Santa Cruz this weekend for Tia's graduation and while they were gone, Pearl (our cat) knocked over the ecosystem and shattered the whole thing while I was sleeping...no froggies to be seen in the morning! After much deliberation, we decided to get a real acquarium for her room so she could still have her froggies (new ones) but have something sturdier that would last in our house with two cats. Here's a pic of the acquarium from PetCo (real pics of Taylor's to come).

She came home today and I talked to her about her new acquarium and the old broken one. She loved it (but wants to go pick out a plant for it since I didn't get extra stuff for it...wanted her to be able to do that). I told her all about, explained what Pearl did, and that is why we have to have the new bigger one. We didn't really talk about what happened to the frogs- she didn't ask and I didn't tell. There are just two frogs in her room and I have no idea if she thinks they are new or old.
While I was in the kitchen tonight Taylor yells as she's running to me, "Mommy, there's a froggy on the floor!"). I look at BJ and say "I can't, I can't go look, you go!" Daddy goes and looks (with her following him) and he quickly directs her away and says "it's just dirt, why don't you go upstairs and make sure that your frogs are still there (but winks at me that it is a frog!!!!). Ahhh! Taylor and I went and looked at her safe frogs in the tank while daddy cleaned up the dead one that was dragged downstairs to the front door (by the cats??). I kind of hinted to her while we were upstairs that we can't move the tank around (she tried) because we don't want to break the tank and let the frogs out because "they may die and we would have to throw them away." No death talk was planned until she saw a flattened and dead frog on the floor! I had a confused mom moment and knew that what she saw on the floor WAS a frog and I don't know if she would believe daddy that it was dirt. So, I had to bring up the death topic. I can't imagine what seeing that frog on the floor actually meant to her in that moment (she's 2 1/2!). She may not even remember but just in case another one pops up (there is still one on the loose!) I think we'll watch The Princess and the Frog again and talk about the froggy by the front door when we see the lightening bug squished by the shadow man. :( Wow, never knew the death conversation would come so soon.
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