Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BBQ at cousin Laura and Rob's house

Laura and Rob invited us over for a BBQ at their house in Venice this evening. Rob's parents were down from Washington who I had never met so this was a fun evening to meet and hang out with more family on the Wickett side. Taylor liked the dogs kissing her, liked touring the house and yard with Rob and Laura who are always so good with Taylor, enjoyed being mesmorized by the fire, and really got giddy after eating some of the strawberry shortcake which had liqeur in the sauce. Yummy!

From 2009_04_01 Rob and Laura's BBQ

Taylor playing peek-a-boo with the camera
From 2009_04_01 Rob and Laura's BBQ

Taylor was learning about how cameras work (after you take a picture you can see it on the screen)
From 2009_04_01 Rob and Laura's BBQ

Another learning moment...haha!
From 2009_04_01 Rob and Laura's BBQ

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