Thursday, June 18, 2009

Potty update...serious training coming soon

No pee-pee for today on the potty although we have truly confirmed that she asks for her diaper to go pee-pee in if she is naked. This is so good to know for when mommy truly commits to the potty training. I asked daycare today if they would support it and I learned that they actually had a toilet IN her direct classroom behind this cubby where they change diapers, and they will take her on a schedule and give her the special treat when she goes, just like I do at home. They said that "some kids just aren't ready yet but Taylor is advanced so they're sure she is ready." After I told them what she was doing at home they were sure she was ready. So, mommy just needs to sit down and figure out about a week where we can be home and do the training all day, every day. We are going to Kauai in a few weeks which worries me if she is in the middle of training so I may wait until after. Although, she is so ready now that I'd love to just do it. Hmmm. Some pondering for mommy to do.

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