Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pretend City

Today Nanny B and mommy took Taylor to Pretend City in Irvine, on Tuesday which is mommy's day with Taylor. It was such a fun place!!!

You can drive through the whole place in your own car!

Learning street signs

Trying to get Taylor to dance on stage (a bit weary because of her recent Webby experience)

Gardening like a farmer

Petting the turtle in the garden

Picking tomatoes

Pretending to eat peaches

Feeding the turtle a tomato

Putting the apples back on the tree

Nanny dancing on stage

Taylor controlling the lights

Reading a book to baby in the little pretend house (actually big!)

Taylor wanted to get right in there with the baby

At the beach

Lounging with mommy

Getting money at the ATM

Filling the car up with gas

Taylor trying to imitate mommy doing hopskotch

Grocery shopping

Checking out

Waiting for the green light

Pretend lunch time

Mmmm, soup!

Water time!

Catchin duckies

Art time

Paining the plastic wall (and mommy behind it)

Bye-bye Pretend City!

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