Sunday, March 6, 2011

Birthday weekend in Palm Dessert

I decided to forego our annual camping trip to Anza Borrego this year for my birthday and instead, enjoy a relaxing, pampered-rich weekend in Palm Desert at a resort which is one of BJ's job sites. Ahhhh, the beauty of having an architect for a husband. It was a WONDERFUL weekend! It is calling my name again very soon, as I got sick teh last day and couldn't make it to my spa treatment which my mom bought for me. Guess I have to go back and use that gift certificate sometime soon!

In the pool the minute we arrived!

Beauty Queen

Birthday flowers from my mom and dad...they are the best!!!

Our view

Our cutie

Resting after a long day of play

Taylor had us do an Easter Egg hunt with her Uno Moo pieces

Results of a fun time

One of my fave's

Last day...enjoy it while it lasts!

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