Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and pre-Halloween fun!

Nanny B came down to visit us for a few days over Halloween which was so special as she got to do all of our fun pre-Halloween activities with us, going to the pumpkin patch and doing fun games at home. Aesa and Noah came over one day and Taylor and Aesa just had soooo much fun together!!!

Pumpkin Patch- this year our favorite patch around the South Bay area was closed so we found another one owned by teh same people. It was pretty cool, but oh so crowded! Taylor LOVED the jump house and the pony rides. She is growing up and becoming so mature. She makes friends so easily and is being more confident to just start playing with other kids she sees. I love watching her grow!

Nanny then planned some fun Halloween games at home that we never actually got to play as a family but she got to play a little bit with Nanny and they looked so fun!

Halloween playdate with Aesa...

Aesa riding Tay's bike

Tay and her scooter

Putting fish from "Go Fishing" in the kitties' water bowl

Water play outside

Taylor giving Aesa a ride in their dry clothes

The pinada didn't open with the strings so the kids are karate chopping it.

All the treats after Nanny ripped it a part!

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