This past weekend we went to Yosemite for Grammy's 60TH BIRTHDAY! Wow! Happy Birthday Grammy! Liz Torok came from San Francisco, Julie Keenan came with her family, Ryan and Maya came, Cadin and his family came, Cousin Sydney came, an old friend Andy and his family came, and so many other people were there that made it so much fun! It rained on Thursday night which made it a very sleepless night for mommy since she was so worried about me being cold and I didn't sleep that good so with every noise I made mommy was right there awake with me. After the rain continued on Friday and I took a nap with daddy while mommy went to Yosemite Village on the bus for some shopping and warm soup, the rain finally started to let up and give us some sunshine. We had a nice dinner that night and had good weather (a bit chilly) the rest of our stay through Sunday. Some highlights were me eating spaghetti (Lady and the Tramp style with Grammy) on Thursday night; me being so giddy and wild all day on Thursday (I felt so free in nature with no boundaries!); Liz and mommy ruling at the Donkey Ball court; Aunt Shelly, Liz, Mommy, and Aunt Kiki having lots of fun together Saturday night; and then me and Sydney taking our annual cute pictures on the rock on Sunday. Below are pictures of our cold but fun Yosemite trip.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Day
On Easter Day we started our day by going down to the beach bright and early. Daddy went on a long bike ride with Taylor and I went down to the beach to enjoy the early morning calm. Taylor loved playing in the sand, of course, and even enjoyed getting closer to the water. After touching it once or twice with her feet (while I was holding her) she was done with the water though. We then headed back home and saw daddy riding his bike home on the way...perfect timing! Taylor waited for daddy in the drive way, saying, "dada!" the entire time until he got home. We then enjoyed eating some Easter Morning Pie after cleaning up from our early morning activities. Before nap time we did a little egg hunt for Taylor in our front drive way. Again, she loved searching for the eggs and putting them in her small little basket. The only problem was that her basket kept turning over when she'd bend down so she had more than enough opportunities to pick up eggs! After a noon time nap we headed back to the beach as a family with our wagon and toys. It was a perfect ending to a perfect Easter Sunday!
Playing at the beach in the morning:

My bowling bunnies on the beach:

My shoes kicked off on a lazy Easter Sunday:

Eating sand (eeewww!)

Closer to the water:

My adorable feet!

Eater Egg Hunt at home:

Playing at the beach in the evening:

Playing at the beach in the morning:
My bowling bunnies on the beach:
My shoes kicked off on a lazy Easter Sunday:
Eating sand (eeewww!)
Closer to the water:
My adorable feet!
Eater Egg Hunt at home:
Playing at the beach in the evening:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Egg Dying
After having a party at Audrey's house we all came home and died Easter Eggs before Taylor went to bed. This was Taylor's first year able to do this so it was very special for us. She has been very interested in "eggs" this entire Easter season so dying them was super fun. She was saying "egg" ("a") aver and over again, wanting to hold all the eggs. She really enjoyed seeing them going in the water white and then have a pretty color when they came out. BJ and I realized that plain colored eggs are actually really pretty (compared to our crazy dye jobs we always try to do each year). Below are pictures of our fun Saturday afternoon.
Here I am loving the singing bunny:

Making silly faces at the bunny making silly noises:

Trying to squirt Pearl with water after mommy told Pearl "no!":

Dying our first Easter Egg:

How fun!

Daddy's turn:

Aren't I pretty?!

I can eat the eggs too?!

Here I am loving the singing bunny:
Making silly faces at the bunny making silly noises:
Trying to squirt Pearl with water after mommy told Pearl "no!":
Dying our first Easter Egg:
How fun!
Daddy's turn:
Aren't I pretty?!
I can eat the eggs too?!
Easter Egg Party at Audrey's
On Saturday before Easter we went to a friend's house from Mommy-and-me for an Easter Egg Hunt. We had lots of yummy food to snack on and I even had my first Dannon smoothly here! While mommy and me hid inside, the daddies hid Easter Eggs outside for all the babies to go fine. There were more than 300 eggs! I had so much fun finding eggs; I would hold at least three in my hands and still want to pick up more! Finally I realized what was inside the eggs and it was all over at that point. I found a "prize egg" and so daddy and I were able to pick out a gift from the prize bag. Thank you Audrey for such a great party! See our pictures in the slideshow below.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
An update of our big girl Taylor
Hello everyone!
It has been almost a month since we've posted (I cheated and just added about 5 posts below...hehe) and wow has time flown by! We have been an on-the-go family and Taylor has been a growing girl, excelling at everything she does. We've listed some of her new things that she does now-a-days that make us smile, laugh, or cry. Every day is a new day with our girl and every day she brings us so many surprises.
- She now says "bye-bye" to mommy's computer when I'm trying to work from home, hinting that I should be spending more time with her!
- She is polite in some ways, saying please very sweetly (pease) but not so polite in others (she says "bye-bye" to anyone she wants to go away...even friends of mommy and daddy)
- She plays a cute game in the car where she says "mama!" and I turn around and say "hi honey!" and rub her leg. She then says "bye-bye" and I turn back around. She then says "mama!" and we do the whole process over again...about 5 times!
- She is not really into eating her pureed lunches and dinners anymore. It became a battle and so I realxed a bit on feeling like I needed to shove veggies in her for both meals. She now eats our dinners such as curry chicken with rice, carrots, celery and onions in it, and of course, quesadillas with beans, cheese, sour cream and salsa!
- She's received many boo-boo's that have come with the rights to walking. She fell and scraped her knee pretty good at the petting zoo at the Wild Animal Park this past weekend and she also slammed her face/tooth on the glass table at Granny and Papa Bill's house, making a pool of blood in her mouth and giving her a nice little bruise on her cheek. Luckily she forgot the pain quickly and was playing a game with mommy, sticking her finger from her soothing water into my mouth and laughing histerically.
- She's loving to say the names of the people in the room, over and over again. Mostly it's mama, dada, and Tay-tay but this weekend we were with Papa and so she was saying "mama, dada, mama, tay-tay, dada, papa, mama, papa, dada, tay-tay" over and over again. It's like she was so proud of herself being able to label all of our names!
- She is daddy's best cheerleader, yelling "yay!" and clapping everytime she sees him on his bike (or sees a picture of ANY man on a bike with a helmet).
- She is very interested in going pee-pee on the potty and even asks for "pee-pee" and walks to the toilet. She sits on the toilet and pushes real hard with a big smile on her face but only gas come out. I think going pee-pee in her diaper makes her think of the toilet and so that's when she asks for it...but it's too late. Hey, it's the first 15 months old! Time for mommy's potty training tricks!
- She has a running list of words she can say (or approximations of) including mama, dada, water (wawa), bye-bye, hi, diaper, no, yes (yah), papa, tay-tay, milk, moon, plane, outside (sigh), down, up, shoes, shirt, socks, bed, nigh-nigh, head, nose, brush, teeth, pee-pee, cereal, love you (yuh-you), cracker (da-duh), home, eye, watch, wipe, please, done (duh), more, bumbo, paper, thank you (this one is tough to understand!), boat (boe), soap, bubbles, duck (duh-duh), book, cheese, tortellini (nee-nee), Tiger (tie-tie), and toe.
It has been almost a month since we've posted (I cheated and just added about 5 posts below...hehe) and wow has time flown by! We have been an on-the-go family and Taylor has been a growing girl, excelling at everything she does. We've listed some of her new things that she does now-a-days that make us smile, laugh, or cry. Every day is a new day with our girl and every day she brings us so many surprises.
- She now says "bye-bye" to mommy's computer when I'm trying to work from home, hinting that I should be spending more time with her!
- She is polite in some ways, saying please very sweetly (pease) but not so polite in others (she says "bye-bye" to anyone she wants to go away...even friends of mommy and daddy)
- She plays a cute game in the car where she says "mama!" and I turn around and say "hi honey!" and rub her leg. She then says "bye-bye" and I turn back around. She then says "mama!" and we do the whole process over again...about 5 times!
- She is not really into eating her pureed lunches and dinners anymore. It became a battle and so I realxed a bit on feeling like I needed to shove veggies in her for both meals. She now eats our dinners such as curry chicken with rice, carrots, celery and onions in it, and of course, quesadillas with beans, cheese, sour cream and salsa!
- She's received many boo-boo's that have come with the rights to walking. She fell and scraped her knee pretty good at the petting zoo at the Wild Animal Park this past weekend and she also slammed her face/tooth on the glass table at Granny and Papa Bill's house, making a pool of blood in her mouth and giving her a nice little bruise on her cheek. Luckily she forgot the pain quickly and was playing a game with mommy, sticking her finger from her soothing water into my mouth and laughing histerically.
- She's loving to say the names of the people in the room, over and over again. Mostly it's mama, dada, and Tay-tay but this weekend we were with Papa and so she was saying "mama, dada, mama, tay-tay, dada, papa, mama, papa, dada, tay-tay" over and over again. It's like she was so proud of herself being able to label all of our names!
- She is daddy's best cheerleader, yelling "yay!" and clapping everytime she sees him on his bike (or sees a picture of ANY man on a bike with a helmet).
- She is very interested in going pee-pee on the potty and even asks for "pee-pee" and walks to the toilet. She sits on the toilet and pushes real hard with a big smile on her face but only gas come out. I think going pee-pee in her diaper makes her think of the toilet and so that's when she asks for it...but it's too late. Hey, it's the first 15 months old! Time for mommy's potty training tricks!
- She has a running list of words she can say (or approximations of) including mama, dada, water (wawa), bye-bye, hi, diaper, no, yes (yah), papa, tay-tay, milk, moon, plane, outside (sigh), down, up, shoes, shirt, socks, bed, nigh-nigh, head, nose, brush, teeth, pee-pee, cereal, love you (yuh-you), cracker (da-duh), home, eye, watch, wipe, please, done (duh), more, bumbo, paper, thank you (this one is tough to understand!), boat (boe), soap, bubbles, duck (duh-duh), book, cheese, tortellini (nee-nee), Tiger (tie-tie), and toe.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Daddy's race, Wild Animal Park, and Getting new shoes
We went to San Diego this weekend for daddy's 1/2 Ironman. We stayed with Granny and Papa Bill Friday and Saturday night and Taylor had so much fun exploring the house now that she is mobile on two feet. On Saturday we had a BBQ after the race; the Scurlocks came over as well as Jason, Jeremy and Morgan, and Silas and Julia. After dinner was over and we had so much fun talking and listening to ghost stories of BJ's house while we sat by the fire in the Wickett's backyard.
Here is Taylor roaming the kitchen with her cute new dress from Granny.
On Sunday Granny, Taylor and I went to the Wild Animal Park to see the butterfly exhibit. First we took some pictures of Taylor and I in the backyard while Taylor was kicking her feet in the cute!
At the zoo...
After going to the Wild Animal Park BJ, Taylor and I headed home although we first had to stop by the Stride Rite outlet and pick up some new shoes for our walking Taylor!
Trying her new shoes out!
Here is Taylor roaming the kitchen with her cute new dress from Granny.
From 2009_04_04 with Granny in kitchen |
From 2009_04_04 with Granny in kitchen |
From 2009_04_04 with Granny in kitchen |
From 2009_04_04 with Granny in kitchen |
On Sunday Granny, Taylor and I went to the Wild Animal Park to see the butterfly exhibit. First we took some pictures of Taylor and I in the backyard while Taylor was kicking her feet in the cute!
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
At the zoo...
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
After going to the Wild Animal Park BJ, Taylor and I headed home although we first had to stop by the Stride Rite outlet and pick up some new shoes for our walking Taylor!
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
Trying her new shoes out!
From 2009_04_05 Wild animal |
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Happy playing at home
These are just some pictures of Taylor being oh-so-cute at home. She's wearing a shirt passed down from her cousin Sydney which says "Be My Friend". Hehe.
At the table drinking
Playing with the shoes by the door, talking with mom
Telling me something?!
Playing in her old carseat that is still sitting in the living room
At the table drinking
From 2009_04_02 Happy at home |
Playing with the shoes by the door, talking with mom
From 2009_04_02 Happy at home |
Telling me something?!
From 2009_04_02 Happy at home |
Playing in her old carseat that is still sitting in the living room
From 2009_04_02 Happy at home |
From 2009_04_02 Happy at home |
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