Sunday, April 26, 2009


This past weekend we went to Yosemite for Grammy's 60TH BIRTHDAY! Wow! Happy Birthday Grammy! Liz Torok came from San Francisco, Julie Keenan came with her family, Ryan and Maya came, Cadin and his family came, Cousin Sydney came, an old friend Andy and his family came, and so many other people were there that made it so much fun! It rained on Thursday night which made it a very sleepless night for mommy since she was so worried about me being cold and I didn't sleep that good so with every noise I made mommy was right there awake with me. After the rain continued on Friday and I took a nap with daddy while mommy went to Yosemite Village on the bus for some shopping and warm soup, the rain finally started to let up and give us some sunshine. We had a nice dinner that night and had good weather (a bit chilly) the rest of our stay through Sunday. Some highlights were me eating spaghetti (Lady and the Tramp style with Grammy) on Thursday night; me being so giddy and wild all day on Thursday (I felt so free in nature with no boundaries!); Liz and mommy ruling at the Donkey Ball court; Aunt Shelly, Liz, Mommy, and Aunt Kiki having lots of fun together Saturday night; and then me and Sydney taking our annual cute pictures on the rock on Sunday. Below are pictures of our cold but fun Yosemite trip.

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