After having a party at Audrey's house we all came home and died Easter Eggs before Taylor went to bed. This was Taylor's first year able to do this so it was very special for us. She has been very interested in "eggs" this entire Easter season so dying them was super fun. She was saying "egg" ("a") aver and over again, wanting to hold all the eggs. She really enjoyed seeing them going in the water white and then have a pretty color when they came out. BJ and I realized that plain colored eggs are actually really pretty (compared to our crazy dye jobs we always try to do each year). Below are pictures of our fun Saturday afternoon.
Here I am loving the singing bunny:

Making silly faces at the bunny making silly noises:

Trying to squirt Pearl with water after mommy told Pearl "no!":

Dying our first Easter Egg:

How fun!

Daddy's turn:

Aren't I pretty?!

I can eat the eggs too?!

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