I immediatly started thinking the worst. I am taking a brain injury class at school and so my mind started to wander. I got her ice pack and opened my textbook to see what part of the brain would be damaged from injuries to the forehead. All my mind kept thinking was "brain injury is the biggest silent epidemic" and "brain injuries aren't identified in children until they are older when the delays are more apparent." The indentation slowly started to go away and the area of impact just turned red and blue. She was acting normal, could walk, count, and do all the things she normally could do. I decided to hold her until the babysitter got here to see how Taylor would react (Taylor LOVES Katherine, the babysitter). When Katherine got here, Taylor immediately said, "Tinker Bell movie with Katherine!" She was fine!
So, I left for work a little while later and Katherine just kept an eye on her throughout the day.
Below is a picture of her battle wound now (not too bad).
Here's Taylor playing at night having so much fun in mommy's heels.
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