As the morning went on Taylor's eye ended up not being pink and she was in the best mood ever (still with a horrible cough and runny nose). I thought she fooled me!! I just didn't want to be THAT mom, sending her child to school with pink eye and getting every other kid sick. So, she stayed home and we went to our doc appointment at 11:00. Taylor was so excited to go see Dr. Julie. She calls her "My Dr. Julie, non mommy's Dr. Julie." It's so cute...she is so excited about going. I told her she would not get pokes today and she was even more excited (although I think she kind of wanted them, especially after she didn't get a lollipop because I told her that they are special treats for pokes). Dr. Julie confirmed the crust and said we caught it early; there were definite early signs of pink eye.
While I was at work daddy got Taylor's prescription filled, ready for me to pick up on my way home (an entire other post that I won't do just because it's annoying to rehash the horrible, unorganized process of CVS's pharmacy). After I got home from work, Taylor's eye was bright pink with goo coming out of it the rest of the night! Thank goodness for mommy radar and catching this icky thing early. She's on medication and hopefully ready for daycare tomorrow. Yay!
Here she is one day after...we had to keep her home and no daycare. :( Pink eye is in her right eye...hardly noticeable!
Man always a kids' infections seem to like coming out in fevers and pink eye...never fun!