Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fun weekend in Big Bear

We are back from our vacation in the snow and we had so much fun! Taylor enjoyed the snow, her most often used comment was "It is REALLY cold outside." Her favorite part about the snow was eating it. You'll see in many pictures below she is just sitting and eating snow. We had a lot of fun relaxing, playing with Taylor in the snow, playing games at the cabin, and just enjoying a very mellow vacation.

Right when we got there we got some snacks out...of course Taylor loved!

Taylor and daddy reading while mommy got dinner ready

Friday morning daddy and Taylor jumped in the jacuzzi in the room...she loved this!

Bubble girl

Friday afternoon we headed down to an area by the frozen lake to play

Eating snow

Giving daddy's snowman a big kiss before leaving


Taylor's way of taking part in our Monopoly game

Keeping busy with Mr. Potato Head

On Saturday we went to a big hill between some condos to make a sled was so much fun!!

Notice the ice in her hand...she never went without a piece to eat on!

A smaller snow man made by daddy

Giving him a kiss goodbye

Eating daddy's yummy homemade chicken nuggets

Putting daddy's "hair" in pigtails

While Taylor was on daddy's shoulder, Curious George got to sit in T's seat.

So happy with her animals...the night before we left.

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