Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day with mommy's work friends

Today mommy's friend and "scheduler" at work came all the way from Arizona to visit the office. A few people brought their kids to work and we all had a pot luck. Before the pot luck a few of us took the kids to Fan Yang's Bubble Show at the Children's Discovery Center. It was pretty cool!

I left Taylor in the car (in her carseat to buckle it) while I went back in the house to grab something and this is where she ended up when I came back out!

Mommy caught you!

Following Victor, Mateo, Margaret and Suzanna to the Discovery Center

That screen tracks Taylor's movements and makes a cool design

The marble machine

Exploring how circular light shapes can make light tracks when you move them in the dark

Here is Fan Yang!

Taylor's first piece of Fried Chicken (at mommy's office)

Giving Marisa a hug

Marisa's cool toy

Tran with Suzanna (Margaret's daughter)

Taylor and Mateo playing in our toy room

Taylor and Mateo riding the scooter-thingy

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