Sunday, April 4, 2010


We had so much fun planning for this very special Easter. The Easter Bunny made sure that both Sydney and Taylor's baskets had all the same stuff and boy was that stuff good stuff! Sydney wakes up much earlier than Taylor so the Easter bunny decided not to come until a little later in the morning. While the girls were getting ready in Taylor's room the Easter Bunny came to our house and hid lost of eggs. He even made a path using chocolate easter eggs from Taylor's room all the way down to their baskets. What a creative bunny!

We then went to the beach after the egg hunt and had some fun swinging, playing with the girls' new bubble toys, and playing in the water.

The chocolate egg path

Collecting yummy chocolates!

Wow, the chocolates led right to the baskets!

Tinker Bell!

Enjoying chocolates with daddy

Mommy showing the girls how the malt balls make lipstick!

So pretty on Sydney

And Taylor...

They got Tinker socks!

And tattoos

Not a good picture but so cute and silly ready for the beach



Sydney can touch the ground!

Our sun bather

Singing while buried

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