Saturday, June 11, 2011

High fever and Coordinating Dance Recital

Last night Taylor was up throughout the night with a 105 degree fever. She recently go ta cough/runny nose from kids at school but this fever was out of the blue. This seems to be a common occurence with her though; she gets high, high fevers when she gets sick. Her body goes into over drive trying to get rid of whatever virus is growing. AFter the cold rags and one round of medicine was not lowering her fever, we put her in a bath (she agreed) but once she felt how cold it was we had a very sad, tried, angry girl. AFter lots of screaming and crying (by both Taylor and mommy, the crying that is), I took her out and we put her in our bed so we could monitor her throughout the night. Daddy got on the computer and did some research to see if we had to take her in to the ER. Apparantly the height of the fever (under 106/107) is not a sign of how sever the sickness is. Basically we got the idea that we didn't have to worry; what you should look at more is the child's sick symptoms (lethargy, vomitting, coughing, etc.). The good thing was that Taylor was happy as can be when we'd wake her up to take her temperature...weird! Whenever I'd give her the cold rags she say "Oh, thanks mommy." It was so cute! So, are worries were alleviated and we all slept.

Taylor woke up with no fever at all but still had the cough/runny nose. I kept her home just to monitor her and let her rest before her Coordinating Rehearsal for her Dance Recital in two weeks. Woo hoo!

The Rehearsal was a success and we even went to Fro-Yo with her friends from school after. Below are some pics of the fun times.

Rachel and Taylor in awe watching the older dancers

The girls ready up on stage

Being silly out front of a nail salon, which they called the "nail doctor"

So interested in what's inside!

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