Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hair cut

Today was quite the exciting day. As I was cleaning up Taylor's room last night I noticed a huge chunck of hair laying right by her garbage can. I picked it up and took it to her and asked her what it was. She put her head down and said "nothing" in a very guilty and afraid manner. Not wanting her to learn to lie to avoid punishment I told her she wasn't in trouble and to tell me what happened. I finally got it out of her that she cut her hair. We had a long talk about why that is not okay, what drawer in her room is all for cutting, and now we have to cut her hair even shorter to make it even. I think she got the point. :)

So...today we got her hair professionally cut for the first time. She wanted her hair long "like Rapunzel" so we compromised, she had to have it short in the front and she could keep it long in the back. We found a fun place to get it cut in El Segundo and made a fun day out of it. We're hoping that the fun event of cutting her hair professionally will show her that if she wants her hair cut, the fun times are at the salon, not with her own scissors in her room.

Here is the original "Taylor cut"

Waiting patiently

Here we go!


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