Sunday, June 26, 2011

Taylor's Dance rehearsal and recital

First we had the dance rehearsal on Friday night and then we had the actual Recital on Sunday. I got out of class by going to the section on Saturday so I was able to be there for Taylor this year! She was such a big girl, definitely demonstrating more confidence and comfort with being on stage than last year. I think being good friends with the girls who were doing the dance with her helped immensely.

During the rehearsal I was able to get to know the stage mom who was helping with the girls backstage. I introduced her to Taylor and had Taylor see her and talk with her for a bit. On the day of the rehearsal when I had to drop her off backstage I think having Taylor already knowing who this woman was helped. As a reference, Taylor screamed and would not let daddy leave her side last year. After being plopped on stage in the dark while screaming, she proceeded to scream the entire dance. This year she gave me kisses goodbye and got right into coloring and doing stickers with the other girls. I could not have asked this mom to be any better! They had to wait for a little over an hour backstage until it was their dance so we, a few of us parents, were very nervous about how they'd come out on stage. They were awesome! They were smiling and doing almost all of the steps of the dance. I am so proud of my baby girl growing up so quickly.


Happy Tappin with Elmo girls

Taylor and daddy

Taylor and Rachel on stage

So giddy up there!

The girls


All the dancers from Webby Dance Company at the end of the performance

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