Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas afternoon at the Wickett's

After we opened up gifts at our house we got dressed, packed up, and headed down to Nanni M and Papa Bill's house for Christmas weekend. We lounged around when we got there, enjoyed some wine and eachother's company, and then got ready for a really yummy tamale dinner. After dinner we watched football for a bit and then opened some more gifts at half-time. Mellow is the word that describes our afternoon and it is exactly how we like to enjoy our Christmas with family. Taylor skipped her nap that day so after some Christmas movie watching we said goodnight to her and not long after we all had an early bed time in preparation for a fun Animal Park day the next day.

Taylor enjoying a quick snack when we got to the Wickett's

Playing with Papa Bill

Throwing a ball (of course still with her jewelry and purse on)

So proud of her throwing

What does Taylor do best?? Eat!!!

The yummy tamale dinner

Our family Christmas

Tia and mommy

Brother and sister (Tia and daddy)

Getting some help from my nannies to play gently with the ornaments

Taking my baby for a stroll in my new outfit from Nanni M

Too cute!

Reading a book with Papa'Al

Taking a rest with daddy

The family

Nanni relaxing

Hangin' with Nanni M

Hangin' with Papa'Al

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