Saturday, December 26, 2009

San Diego Wild Animal Park

Today we woke up at the Wickett's house and enjoyed some left over tamales for breakfast with scrambled eggs...yummy! I (Mommy) forgot comfortable shoes to walk around the animal park in so I headed off before breakfast to get some after Christmas discounts on shoes. If only we weren't going to the animal park...the outlets were awesome! Not crowded at all! I enjoyed a morning by myself with my latte from Starbucks, walking around the outlets for a bit. Although I didn't find the shoes I was looking for, I found another pair that I have come to like a lot and had a very relaxing, enjoyable morning. Below is a slideshow of our day at the animal park with both sets of Nannies and Papas, Tia, mommy and daddy, and Aesa's family (Yay!).

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