Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Celebration at Joy's

After Taylor's birthday party this morning we headed home and put her right down for a nap. We all took a few breaths, got some food shopping done, and headed over to Joy and George's house (BJ's cousin) for a Holiday family get-together. They were so nice enough to invite my parents as well so we had a Wickett family get-together with the DuCharme's present as well. Joy and George planned a wonderful taco bar with so many other mexican was truly wonderful (especially after realizing that they were flying out that night to go back East to be with George's family for Christmas!). Not only did they have a cookie station for the kids to decorate cookies but Aunt Kay had ordered a beautiful cake to celebrate Taylor's birthday, and just by chance got Taylor a Tinker Bell balloon. It was such an amazing day and it ended by being surrounded by special family. We missed all of the family that could not be there and hope to see them all soon.

The Cake which says "Taylor is Two Cute!"

Thank you Aunt Kay for the bears and book!

Me and Aunt Joy

Nanni M reading my book

Thank you Auntie Anne for the toys!

Night-Night everyone...

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