Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Documentation of Taylor's new behaviors

As I have lots of time on vacation in Maui to sit, watch, and admire Taylor's growth, I realize that I do not document all of the wonderful behaviors that Taylor amazes us with everyday. Even if it does not come with a picture I am going to try hard to document as much as I can so we can look back at these posts and remember our little girl and all the fun things she did. To start, here is a list of things that make us smile...

1. She's getting our attention with, "Hey guys?!"
2. "Member that mommy?" is a commonly used phrase when Taylor is talking about something that we did in the past.
3. When she is with friends she takes the lead and often tells me "WE want to color mommy, WE want to go outside mommy, etc." even if the other child has no interest in doing what she wants. It is her way of trying to get them to follow her.
4. When she wants confirmation of something she says, she adds "right?" onto the end of it ("that was funny, right?").
5. "That's crazy!" and "We're so silly" are fun phrases she often uses.
6. She is a very good rule follower, especially if I give her the contingencies (e.g., "If you throw that once more I will take it away"...I can be sure that 90% of the time she won't throw it again).
7. Her favorite friend at school is Rachey
8. She is still an amazing eater!
9. She is putting her face under water and enjoying the windshield wipers drying her eyes afterward (thanks to Nicole!)...especially here in the pool in Maui with daddy!
10. She has a few favorite movies: Tinker Bell ("Born" and "New" as she calls them), Princess and the Frog, Nemo, Toy Story
11. At nap and bedtime she talks and sings herself to sleep, sometimes for an entire hour!
12. She is getting to be a lover of music and singing a lot. She knows all the words to You Are My Sunshine which is soooo cute!
13. She fills in words to songs and phrases on her videos that are playing, kind of like she is talking/singing along with it but doesn't know all of the words. Very cute!
14. She sleeps at naps and at night time in her undies, no more pull-ups! And she loves to go potty on the normal toilet seat, not on her kid seat that goes on top of the normal toilet seat.

More to come as we remember!!!

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