Monday, August 23, 2010

Taylor fell down the stairs!

Daddy is in Florida for a work trip so I emailed him with our events from this evening. This is what I wrote.

Taylor fell down the stairs tonight, from the very top to the very bottom. I walked up right in front of her and I got up before her so I went in our room and I hear this "ka-boom, ka-boom, ka-boom" and after about three of those I realized what was happening so I ran out swearing my head off and heard her crying by the time I got to the top of the stairs. She was at the bottom with the basket from the stairs all crashed on the floor too. I expected full on screaming but no, just some scared crying. She was totally fine! She just said her head hurt from hitting the basket but once I started quizzing her (her name, how many fingers I was holding up) I think she thought I was crazy mommy and she stopped crying. She wouldn't answer me so I got serious and told her I was scared and she needed to answer me. When she told me her name she hugged me and was all fine. She started laughing about 2 minutes later saying, "that was crazy mommy!" I couldn't believe it! I was almost in tears imagining her tumbling down the stairs (still am freaked out by that) and she's laughing. Holy moly! Our fragile girl has turned into a champ!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no Cori! I can't imagine what went through your mind. Glad she is ok though!
