Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday with mommy

Woke up at 9 am this morning to Taylor coming into our room to lay with me. We lounged around for a while and watched Toy Story before heading out shopping. Taylor got her normal Berry Smoothie at Costco and was such a good girl the whole time. Asked the man at the door for a happy face on the receipt and told him "thank you." Love my girl! Enjoyed the "bumpety-bumpetys" in the cart going into the parking lot and then headed home for nap and lunch (sorry daddy...had to skip picking up your car part b/c Tay had to pee!). We enjoyed some cold cereal with our new milk, yogurt, and bread for lunch (all Taylor's choosing!) and now Taylor is napping in mommy and daddy's bed (her treat on Tuesdays and weekends if she wants). She asked specifically for the door to be closed so Tiger wouldn't come in...sorry Tiger!

Fun day with my girl.

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