Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playdate with Marley in Maui- day 4

Today Taylor went for a nap at 10:00 am (1:00 CA time) so daddy went kite surfing and Taylor and I stayed in. That evening we had a playdate with Marley at our condo so Sarah could go to dinner with her friend in Wailea. It was so fun! We made some pizzole, ate some tofu, and the girls liked reading their books, coloring, and jumping on the bed singing 5 Little Monkeys. So cute!!

Mommy and Taylor's morning walk on the beach

Watching the water with daddy and bunny blankey

Blankey watching the ocean


Games during T's nap

Taylor's way of playing Skipbo

Marley and Taylor coloring

Sharing Marley's dolls

Doing "cheers!"

Video of two little monkeys jumpin' on the bed

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