Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A few days with Grammy DuCharme

Mommy and daddy had to work this week so Grammy hopped in the car with us coming back from Christmas and babysat me on Monday and Tuesday. How fun! On the drive from the Bay Area she kept me busy in the car, talked with me, and played games with me the entire trip.

On Monday Grammy was without a car since mommy couldn't find the keys so Grammy and I hung out at the house and played a lot; Grammy did laundry, cooked and cleaned while I napped;, and then we took a walk to Trader Joes, so late that it was dark by the time we got home! Grammy was worried that mommy would be worried so Grammy and I RAN part of the way home! I had so much fun! When we got hom my cheeks and hands were very cold but I was smiling and giggling away.

Thanks so much Grammy for coming and spending time with me so that mommy and daddy could get lots of work done. I love you!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas at the DuCharmes

What a fun vacation we had at Grammy and Grandpa'al's house. We drove up late on Christmas Eve and stayed through Sunday December 28th. On Christmas I woke up to a humongous Christmas Tree with so many presents under it they overflowed half way into the living room! I was so curious I had to take a peek even though Cousin Sydney wasn't there yet. Mommy let me look at a book and these noisy stuffed animals for a bit but that was it until my cousin got there. While daddy went on a Christmas Day bike ride I took a nap and woke up right as Sydney, Uncle Alvin and Aunt Shelley arrived. Sydney and I had so much fun opening up presents; good thing Santa made sure to bring two of almost everything because when I saw something she had I wanted it and when she saw something I had she wanted it. Santa brought us so many cool toys and clothes it was unbelievable! Grammy also got Sydney and I matching luggage and clothes for our Kauai trip we're taking in July. Yay!

On Friday we had a mellow hang out day. Aunt Shelley, Sydney, Grammy, mommy and I went ona walk down to the Sunol cafe. Grandpa'al, Uncle Alvin, and Daddy then met all of us after they finished watching football, we at lunch and Sydney enjoyed exploring behind the cash register and in the kitchen at the restaurant. Hehe. We all then walked over to the park in downtown Sunol and walked around the entire thing. Grandpa'Al got lots of pictures to show off our fun day. We stayed out so long that Sydney's diaper started to leak so we had to head home (it was getting late anyway and everyone was ready to go home).

On Saturday mommy, daddy and I went to Berkely visit Noah, Laura and their new baby boy, Aesa, 9 days old! I was such a good girl; I was gentle with the baby and loved hanging out while the adults got to talk and eat lunch. We then got in the car and headed over to Ryan's new house to check out the place. I got a nap on the way over so instead of waking me up mommy and daddy let me sleep while they quickly took a tour of the house. On the way to Ryan's Grammy called mommy on the cell phone and told her to be home by 3:30 because a surprise guest was coming. Who could it be?! We got back to Grammy and Grandpa'Al's house and there were relatives and friends already there. Mommy's friend Aly, pregnant with a baby boy, was already there with her mommy playing the Wii that Grammy and grandpa'Al bought for us to play with at their house for Christmas. More people and relatives kept showing up and we ended up having a house full of kids and people. Busy and loud but quite fun. After a while mommy's surprise guest showed up...Krissy and Ryan! They were out from Arizona spending Christmas with Krissy's parents so they decided to surprise mommy on their way to the airport. Mommy got to spend some time talking with Krissy, she seemed so happy to see her. once most everybody had left daddy was able to spend some quality time talking with my great grandpa Al, talking all about his life in the war and as a young adult. Daddy really enjoyed being able to talk with Great Grandpa for so long.

On Sunday we just spent the morning packing and getting ready to leave. We had a very long drive home but it was so worth it to have spent so much time with my cousin, my aunt Shelley and uncle Alvin, and my Grammy and Grandpa'Al.

Thank you for such an amazing Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Early Christmas Celebration with the Wicketts

On Sunday Tia (Jenny), Granny M, and Grandpa Bill came up to visit for a few days. Daddy made a wonderful Christmas dinner (potato leek soup, chicken pot pie, and a wonderful green salad with cranberries and pine nuts) and then we spent the evening playing Scattegories.

Mommy and daddy headed to work on Monday so Tia, Granny M, and Grandpa Bill hung out with me all day. We went to lunch with daddy at a Mexican place by his work and I loved eating the salsa! Yummy! That night we had leftovers from our yummy Christmas dinner and then Tia had to get home for a dentist appointment the next day. I was lucky enough to have Granny M. and Grandpa Bill stay with me all through the next day (Tuesday).

It seems that my grandparents teach me lots of things when they come to visit and Granny M. did just that. When mommy and daddy came home Tuesday night I got to show off how Granny M. taught me to stand by myself, self-balancing for a few seconds. I also learned to walk along the wall! How fun!

Thank you so much to my Tia and Wickett Grandparents for coming to spend some quality time with me while mommy and daddy worked for a few days. They really appreciated it and I had so much fun!

I love you three and can't wait to see you in the new year! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bundled on a run with daddy

Daddy and I took a run today before Tia, Granny M and Grandpa Bill came to visit. I got all bundled up and slept for about 2/3 of the run...my nap for the day! Daddy even gave me jingle bells for me to play with on the run. Check out my pictures below.

From Taylor Reese Wickett
From Taylor Reese Wickett
From Taylor Reese Wickett

Saturday, December 20, 2008


As parents we're not sure if we're just being very optimistic but we really think Taylor is starting to say her version of words in appropriate contexts! Three different times she has said "uh" when she puts her arms up to be picked "up" out of her chair after eating. Her typcial sounds are "da" "ta" "de" "ma" and so when she says "uh" when she's asking for "up" it makes us really think she's imitating us saying "up"! Yay Taylor!

Just the other day she also said "ah-duh" RIGHT after I said "all done." I could not believe it! She's only done it once but I'm being optimistic and believing that she is actually starting to imitate what we're saying.

Yay! Go Taylor!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Walking with assistance

Taylor was a little late to the game with crawling and she is still a little late to the game with walking and even cruising (walking while holding onto tables and other things). Just tonight though she was standing up at her activity table on the tile floor which we moved from the corner so we could fit our Christmas Tree downstairs and it started moving! Taylor started walking with it! She walked about 10 feet, back and forth 3 times! We are so excited for her little legs to be moving and getting the feeling of what it's like to get places. She smiles and really enjoys it as she presses the buttons on her activity table as she walks right across the tile floor until she hits something like the refrigerator.

So cute!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Meeting Santa Clause

Today I met Santa Clause for the first time. He came all the way from the North Pole for children and babies in the South Bay to take pictures with him. Wow! I was really afraid at first but then an elf shaking a large clapper caught my attention. Mommy had to turn her back to pick something up and that made me so mad again; I thought I'd be left with this man forever! Maybe in the years to come I will come visit Santa again and I can even tell him what a good girl I've been.

P.S. We got the last picture in a 5x7 for here at the house!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas celebration at the Ostensens

Today we headed down to Aunt Kay's house to have an early Christmas celebration with family. Brian Cross and his family were there with their 3 adorable boys, Aunt Anne and Uncle John came from afar which was so nice of them, Aunt Kay of course and all of her kids were there showering all the young kids with books which we all love, and Rachel and Elliot were there who we haven't seen in so long so that was so nice. Even Aunt Susan came from Seattle; it's always such a treat to see her (we missed the rest of the family though!). Thank you for the ladybug book Aunt Susan! Joy set up cookie decorating for all the kids and boy were the cookies they made yummy!

Another fun Ostensen family get together. Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My First Birthday

Mommy and daddy took me to the LA Food Show for my very First Birthday. I ate my dinner that mommy brought me from home but I really enjoyed eating daddy's soups with him. For desert mommy and daddy bought me my own bowl of ice cream (my first ever)!

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Birthday Party

I had my first Birthday Party at Polliwog Park in Manhatten Beach on Sunday December 7th. It was a combined birthday party with Cadin Fetters, my good friend who was born 10 days after me. Our mommies made our matching cakes, they made matching cupcakes for everyone to enjoy, had matching balloons, and we even had matching hats, bibs, and candles on our cake! There were quiz games and a "guess how old we are" game of pictures of Cadin and me to get everyone in the party spirit for our birthdays. On the day of the party Aunt Lisa called mommy at 7:00AM worried about the sprinkles that had fallen down on their house the night before. All our family encouraged us that the rain would go away and we should still have the party at the park. Sure enough the rain went away and we had a beautiful party! Both Cadin and I loved our cakes, I was a lady and picked the frosting off with two fingers and gently put it in my mouth. Cadin on the other hand liked slapping his cake. We had fun opening our gifts, playing on the swings and slides, looking at the ducks by the pond, and just having fun hanging out with all of our family and friends. My Uncle Alvin and cousin Sydney traveled all the way from Northern California with my Grammy and Grandpa'Al for the weekend. Sydney and I had so much fun together but we also were a wee bit jealous of each other when Grandpa'Al seemed to think he could hold just one of us. Wrong! We missed my two Aunts, Aunt Shelley and Tia. Both were studying hard at their respective schools throughout the state. My Granny M and Grandpa Bill also came from San Diego and as always I was at peace in their arms especially as we watched the ducks and played around the play area.

Thanks everyone for coming and making it such a special FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Pre-Birthday Party with Cuz

Cousin Sydney, Uncle Alvin, Grammy and Grandpa Al came down for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. Below is a slide show of us having fun at my house before the party.