Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Early Christmas Celebration with the Wicketts

On Sunday Tia (Jenny), Granny M, and Grandpa Bill came up to visit for a few days. Daddy made a wonderful Christmas dinner (potato leek soup, chicken pot pie, and a wonderful green salad with cranberries and pine nuts) and then we spent the evening playing Scattegories.

Mommy and daddy headed to work on Monday so Tia, Granny M, and Grandpa Bill hung out with me all day. We went to lunch with daddy at a Mexican place by his work and I loved eating the salsa! Yummy! That night we had leftovers from our yummy Christmas dinner and then Tia had to get home for a dentist appointment the next day. I was lucky enough to have Granny M. and Grandpa Bill stay with me all through the next day (Tuesday).

It seems that my grandparents teach me lots of things when they come to visit and Granny M. did just that. When mommy and daddy came home Tuesday night I got to show off how Granny M. taught me to stand by myself, self-balancing for a few seconds. I also learned to walk along the wall! How fun!

Thank you so much to my Tia and Wickett Grandparents for coming to spend some quality time with me while mommy and daddy worked for a few days. They really appreciated it and I had so much fun!

I love you three and can't wait to see you in the new year! Merry Christmas!

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