Sunday, March 1, 2009

San Diego Wild Animal Park

On Sunday we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park with Granny M and Grandpa Bill (our Christmas present from them...annual passes!). I LOVED seeing all the animals! I said "hi" to all of them and really liked the ones that looked like my kitties at home (like the cheetahs). I also liked the elephants as I have one at home that I really enjoy kissing and holding. Feeding the ducks took some time for me to learn how to do as I first just wanted to eat their food. Once I saw them eating the food that Granny M was throwing I too would drop the pebbles of food down to them. Mommy got it on video...oh so cute. Grandpa Bill bought me my first "kids lunch" at the park; it had raisens, chicken fingers, chips, cookies and a drink in it. I loved the cookies and the raisens! My favorite part of all was after a long nap mommy and daddy took me to the petting zoo. I got to pet llamas (I think they were llamas!) and I loved it! I wasn't afraid at all and I even inspired another kid to pet one with me. While we were in the peeting zoo we saw a zookeeper feeding a baby rhinocerus out of a cute!

I had a great day with beautiful weather...I can't wait to go back! See the slideshow below for our fun day.

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