Sunday, February 8, 2009

Daddy's first criterion bike race

Yesterday Grammy and Grandpa Al (Papa) came to visit me for a few days. They arrived on Saturday and we had a nice crock pot dinner that mommy had cooking all day. Yummy! Today we went to daddy's first criterion bike race in Dominguez Hills. Daddy did so good; we were so proud of him! When we arrived at the race (we went after daddy), he was hanging out by the car, getting all his gear on. It was very cloudy and almost sprinkling so it wasn't the best weather day for daddy's first race. Many other racers were on their trainers, preparing for the race but daddy didn't know about that so he just rode around getting all warmed up. I guess it was enough for daddy because he did really well! One of the guys on his trainers that was parked next to daddy actually got lapped in the race so having a trainer doesn't correlate to being good. Hehe. Papa got lots of cool pictures and I enjoyed clapping for the group of guys as they all rode past. I even liked feeling the sprinkles fall on my face at the end of the race. That was fun!

Congratulations Daddy on your first Crit!

From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit

From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit

From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit

From 2009_02_08. dadddy's crit

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