Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun day today (first steps too!)

Today was such a fun day and mommy says that I was such a good, happy girl all day long.

Mommy woke me up early as part of her plan to control my naps the rest of the day. I lounged in bed with her for about 40 minutes, nursing and relaxing. We then played, ate breakfast and got ready for music class. At 9:15 we had music class util about 10:10. At music I LOVED when the scarves, egg shakers, and instruments were brought out. I screamed "ohhhhhh" (like "wowwwwwww!")loudly as the teacher brought them out and everyone just smiled and laughed. At the end of music I was fussy because it was nap time. we drove to Aunt Lisa and Cadin's house where mommy gave me some crackers and milk before putting me to sleep. I cried for a bit but was asleep within 10 miutes (mommy's plan this morning paid off!). Mommy let me sleep for about an hour and a half and then she woke me up so me and Cadin could go to mommy-and-me. I was so refreshed from my nap that I just played and played the whole time, not needing mommy to hold me hardly at all. Mommy really liked this.

The COOLEST this about today was when my friend at mommy-and-me was showing off her new walking skills and her mommy was video taping it. I wanted part of the action so I stood up with mommy right behind me and everyone cheered. I then started to take these itty-bitty steps (very wobbly) towards my friend who was being video taped! Everyone started clapping and cheering, and it's all on video!!! I'm becoming less afraid and getting more courageous to play with my balance and take those steps. I'll be walking in no time!

After mommy-and-me Cadin and I were still wide awake so our mommies took us to the Farmer's Market in Manhattan Beach. Cadin is such a big boy now that he walked all by himself but I still enjoyed being in my stroller. After strolling through the Market we went over to the courtyard where there is a really cool water area. Other kids of all ages meet there to play and splash in teh water. Our mommies took our shoes and pants off and let us have at it! It was soooo much fun! I was hesitant at first but once I realized it was water I could play in I was splashing and screaming like there was no one around. Cadin was walking all over the top water surface but I stayed on the side where the water dripped down where I could stand up and splash in the dripping water. How much fun we had!

On the way home mommy and I stopped by Trader Joes to get me my week's worth of food. I was such a good girl and by the time we got home I was ready for a nap. Haha! That was not in our plan though. When we got home we had scalding water flowing out of the pipe next to the water heater outside. We turned off the heat (mommy's first instinct) and then called daddy. He had us go to a park nearby for safety until he got home and checked things out. Mommy and I had so much fun at the park, even without a nap! I had a snack and loved playing on the swings. When we were given the okay to come home we packed up and headed home for a nap.

What a long, busy day but oh what fun it was! I can't wait until next Tuesday!

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