Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bike ride with mommy and daddy

Today I went for my first REAL bike ride with mommy and daddy. Mommy was so nervous to ride the bike with me in the seat but after about 15 minutes of slow riding she was very comfortable on the bike with me. Mommy says it is just kind of awkward because every turn or lean you do the more weight there is going into the turn or lean so you can fall really easily. Luckily, we never fell! We had a few embarrassing starts at stop lights with daddy pushing mommy's back to get us started but it made for some fun stories. We rode the bike alongside daddy the entire time who was doing his run for the day. We were out for about an hour and 15 minutes! I napped for part of it and the other part I pointed and talked at the trees, kicked mom's back side...literally, and rested my head in my helmet on my bike seat bar. We had a lot of fun and I hope to do it again another weekend coming up with daddy running beside us, maybe on the boardwalk on the beach!

P.S. Sorry, no pictures. Mommy really wanted one of us together with our helmets but we forgot and were busy getting ready for Superbowl when we got home. )o:

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