Sunday, January 18, 2009

Visit to Grandpa Al's house

This weekend Mommy and me traveled up to the Bay Area so that mommy could go to a baby shower for one of her very good friends from when she was a baby (wow!). Daddy stayed home to get lots of work done and lots of training in for his triathlons. On Saturday Grandpa Al babysat me and we had so much fun. We took a long walk up to Great Grandpa Al's house so I got to see two generations of Grandpa! Grandpa and I had such a fun day together...just me and grandpa. That night mommy's friends, Liz and Bobby came over for dinner and wine and watching the Sharks game. I was pretty tired by the time they arrived so there was only a little time for "Taylor viewing and interacting."

What a fun weekend!
From 2009_01_17 visit to Granpda Al's house

From 2009_01_17 visit to Granpda Al's house

From 2009_01_17 visit to Granpda Al's house

From 2009_01_17 visit to Granpda Al's house

From 2009_01_17 visit to Granpda Al's house

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